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HomeAbout us

About us

ROTERM ltd. is a privately owned consulting company with its headquarters in Drziceva 8, Split, Croatia.

During 18 years of successful business operation ROTERM established its market position as an expert company for providing technical consulting services, specialized in engineering design and works supervision. Besides engineering design and supervision, ROTERM provides technical consulting services throughout the whole investment process.

Offered Services

Services offered by ROTERM include:

  • Engineering design in Civil Engineering (installations)
  • Engineering design in industrial and technological fields
  • Techno-economic studies and energy studies
  • Energy auditing and certification
  • Project management
  • Works supervision
  • Technical assistance
  • Revisions / Nostrifications

Business Excellence

ROTERM is a proud holder of AAA, highest creditworthiness rating issued by international BISNODE group, leading provider of decision support solutions in more

Systematic Quality and Environmental Management

ROTERM is also a proud holder of ISO 9001:2008 (quality management system) and ISO 14001:2004 (environmental management system) certificates, issued by distinguished international institution Det Norske Veritas - more

Experience on Internationally Funded Projects

ROTERM and its experts have rich experience working on internationally funded projects, both as project leaders and as partner company within international joint ventures.

Working on EC CARDS and IPA projects, as well as on EBRD, IBRD and UNDP Projects, we have gained indispensible hands on experience of EC PRAG, and FIDIC YELLOW and RED book contract procedures.

From our experience on internationally funded projects we can more

Energy Efficiency

ROTERM is one of Croatian's pioneer technical consulting companies in field of Energy Efficiency, with extensive experience in incorporating energy efficient solutions into engineering designs in civil sector, as well as in industrial and technological fields.

Thanks to proven expertise, ROTERM was one of the first technical consulting companies to conduct energy audits in Croatia, as a part of UNDP Environmental Governance Programme (GREEN), Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency Project.

From year 2006 onwards, under this Programme / Project, ROTERM conducted more than 200 energy audits and produced corresponding reports. In past five years ROTERM also conducted several energy audits financed by Croatian Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.

ROTERM is also one of the first companies in Croatia which received License for conducting energy audits and energy certification of simple and complex buildings and facilities, issued by Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction (Reg. No. P-49/2010).

From our experience in field of Energy Effciency we can more

Gas Installations

ROTERM has been shortlisted by EVN Croatia as preferred gas installations design company in Splitsko-dalmatinska county and City of Split. Short list available on EVN Croatia website under link "ovlasteni inzenjeri".

Professional Licenses

Together with engineering and supervision licenses issued by Croatian chamber of Architects and Engineers in Construction (as required by Croatian Physical Planning and Construction Act), ROTERM and its expert hold the following specialized licenses:

  • License for conducting energy audits and energy certification of simple and complex buildings and facilities, issued by Croatian Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning (MCPP RH; Reg. No. P-49/2010)
  • License for safety at work coordination in project design phase (coordinator I) and project execution phase (coordinator II), issued by Croatian Ministry of Labour and Pension System (MLPS RH; Class: UP/I-133-02/11-04/296; Urbroj: 524-08-01-01/1-12-5)
  • License for mechanical engineering project design and supervision on protected cultural sites and monuments, issued by Croatian Ministry of Culture (MC RH; Reg. No. 1460)
  • License for expert design (Croatian.: “Strucne Podloge”) in the process of Location permit issuing, issued by Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction (MEPPPC RH; Class: UP/I-350-02/02-07/20; Urbroj: 531-08/1-02-2/BV)
  • License for mechanical engineering project design nostrification, issued by Croatian Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning (MCPP RH; Class: UP/I-360-02/12-03/8; Ur.broj: 531-04-1-13-3)

Human Capital

ROTERM strongly believes in importance of human capital and thus we consider our employees to be our biggest asset. Each one of our employees is an expert in his respective field. Four of our employees are licensed civil and mechanical engineers, members of “Croatian chamber of Architects and Engineers in Construction”, while one of our employees is a project management expert, licensed by International Project Management Association.

ROTERM has well established cooperating with number of recognized companies and freelance experts. ROTERM’s own resources and network of recognized partners guarantee successful completion of even most complex multidisciplinary engineering and technical consulting tasks.

Under links presented below you will find more information about our flagship services: